Five Myths
about baby

  1. Myth:
    If you don't hold or nurse the baby in the few hours after delivery, you won't bond adequately.
    The first few hours after birth are important. The mother baby bond is not affected if the baby is not nursed immediately after birth.
  2. Myth:
    The mother always knows why the baby is crying
    The baby and the mother know each other over time. Eventually a mother knows why the baby is crying and it's a learning curve.
  3. Myth:
    Breastfeeding comes naturally.
    Not true. It's a skill the mother and the baby develop together as a team over time.
  4. Myth:
    A baby's development is pre-determined.
    Every baby has a different time-line to gain a new ability. And this is absolutely normal.
  5. Myth:
    It is good to talk baby talk to your baby
    A baby's understanding grows leaps and bounds each day. A parent is advised to use adult vocabulary as against baby talk as the baby learns the maximum in the early years.

The first 40 days post delivery

Giving birth is a physical and emotional experience that's as exhausting as it is exhilarating. Afterward, every new mom needs recovery time, even if she had a relatively easy birth. Factor in a C-section or other complications and the need for care after birth for the mother as well as the baby increases exponentially.

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Melt that stress away

Pregnancy sometimes feels like a roller coaster ride: One moment you are happy dreaming about the child, the other minute fretting about how will you manage taking care of the new born, what if you go wrong, and will you be a good mother and so on.

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Food Cravings and Aversions
The two-edged sword

Have you been yearning for foods you never liked and running away from your former favourites? Do your taste buds suddenly seem to be having a mind of their own? Welcome to the world of pregnancy cravings and aversions, where alien taste buds rule and common culinary rules are thrown out of the kitchen. Don't panic or worry. You have lots of company. Mostly every expecting mother faces cravings and at least one aversion.

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Baby's first pearly whites:
Teething symptoms

Somewhere between 3 and 12 months, your baby's teeth will make their grand, grumpy entrance. How babies experience teething can vary widely.

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Dad's guide to surviving
without sleep

If newborns came with a health disclaimer it would read: may cause sleep deprivation. Babies have no sense of time. The first couple of months of having a baby in the house are stressful...

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