Melt that stress away

Pregnancy sometimes feels like a roller coaster ride: One moment you are happy dreaming about the child, the other minute fretting about how will you manage taking care of the new born, what if you go wrong, and will you be a good mother and so on. Add on that the hormonal changes as well as the physical discomfort due to the increasing weight, growing belly, and various body aches.

It's only normal to feel overwhelmed by the whole pregnancy experience as you're growing a life inside you. While you fret over what you eat, sleep, think, feel etc. if it becomes overpowering and interferes with the day-to-day activities it's time to find a solution for it. Stress is anyways not a healthy routine during pregnancy. The next time you start to panic, though, take a deep breath and try one of these strategies for busting any stress during pregnancy:

1.Rest it out: Rest is best for the mother as well as the baby. Avoid taking up extra chores. Rather choose that extra time to get that much needed rest. Even at work take it easy. Try working on flexi-hours or even opt for work from home if possible.

2.Diet: On the priority list, diet is the most important during pregnancy especially to combat stress. Food containing vitamin B like wholegrain rice, wholegrain bread increase levels of the anti-stress hormone serotonin.

3.Yoga or exercise: Meditation, Yoga, Walks and even deep breathing helps lower Cortisol (the stress hormone) and boost endorphins (the 'feel good' hormones). Whatever works best for you, make it a part of your routine.

4.Talk it out: How a baby will bring about a change in your relationship with your partner is one of the alarming worries for all couples. The wisest thing to do is sit down and share all the fears, work around solutions, and take help of couples with kids. Working on it and not running away will make the transition easier.

5.Financial planning: apart from a life-changing event, a baby can make a 360 degree change in your expense management. Planning way in advance always help. Cut down on unnecessary expenses. Make a list of things that you need and avoid the unnecessary ones. This would not just help you but even your partner scurrying to meet ends.

6.Stay Happy. Pamper Yourself: Laughter is the best way to relax and stay happy. Engage in activities that keep you tickling. Pamper yourself to a relaxing spa, doctor approved pregnancy massages, enjoy a holiday free of any stress and tensions and spend as much time with your partner as possible.

7.The Birth Process: Labour pain, actual birth process, c-section over normal delivery. All these concerns can give you sleepless nights. Pre-natal sessions, chat with your friends with babies, your mother, your Doctor and even the Healthy pregnancy program experts to understand the birthing options, which will give you a peaceful night's sleep.

If you're under unusual stress or feel like you're at your breaking point, talk to the Life Coach on the Healthy Pregnancy program , who can better assess how strong your anxiety has become and what you may need to do to feel better.

Here's to less stressful days!