Breast lump during pregnancy

Do you feel alarmed by the sudden lumps you notice on your breasts during pregnancy and worry if it's the dreading breast cancer? Don't worry. Under most scenarios they are benign. According to the American Cancer society, the chance of having breast cancer during pregnancy is very rare especially if you are under 35 years. But here's what you should know all about it.

Your body undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy. While your hormones do play a major role, your body is also prepping itself to undergo various changes for the baby that is growing inside you. Apart from the very evident baby bump and an overall weight gain, your breasts undergo a lot of changes too. They feel heavy, lumpy and firm than you're used to. In fact if you are in your 2nd or 3rd trimester, the most logical reason for feeling a lump is the clogged milk ducts. Yes, even as early as the 2nd trimester, the body begins prepping to nurse your baby and during the process sometimes the milk duct gets clogged and enlarged.

How to differentiate between a clogged duct and a malign lump?

Clogged milk ducts are red lumps that are tender to touch and generally clear up in a few days, though they do have a tendency to show up again. Breast Cancer lumps on the other hand are not usually red and painful when they first appear and neither do they clear up with time. We advice, it's always better to consult your doctor for any such symptoms and not to wait until after you deliver. While it can be trickier to get your breasts examined during pregnancy as the tissue gets denser and lumpier, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible

While it's the clooged ducts that are giving you painful days and sleepless nights, here are a few handy tips you can try to give it a rest:

  1. Apply warm compress to the lump regularly for some relief.
  2. Run hot/warm water on the area during showers.
  3. Massage the duct gently to help unclog and eliminate the duct.
  4. Some experts suggest discontinuing the use of under-wired innerwear and shift to a more full support bra during the pregnancy tenure.

If the lumps do not clear up or gets worse, it's best to get your-self examined for any unwanted infections that may have caused the same to worsen.