10 adorable facts about babies

  1. During the nine months between conception and birth, a baby’s weight increases by 3,000 million times.
  2. The brain of a newborn accounts for 10% of its total body weight. In adults this figure is down to 2%.
  3. Babies are born with natural swimming abilities and can hold their breath. However, this ability quickly disappears.
  4. Most newborns will lose all the hair they are born with in the first three or four months of life.
  5. An average baby will go through approximately 2,700 diapers a year.
  6. Babies typically prefer a female voice over a male voice, which may explain why people raise the pitch of their voice when talking to babies, otherwise known as “motherese.”
  7. A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in its body.
  8. After birth, the human brain more than doubles to reach 60% of its adult size by the time a baby is 1 year old.
  9. Newborns are more likely to turn their head to the right than to the left.
  10. At birth, babies have no kneecaps. Kneecaps do not develop completely until after six months.

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